I read a few weeks ago that when a person hits 25 years of age, they are technically in the "prime of their life." Physically speaking. Wait what? *Look down* This is as good as it will get? Its all downhill from here? Great. Wonderful. I discreetly look at older people and they look all right. Not falling apart or anything...but then again, support clothing these days does wonders.
Running today was good, mostly because my brother introduced me to a new band called The Airborne Toxic Event and I have been listening to them non-stop. Something about the guys voice brings all the angst leftover from the teen years to the surface. But in a good way. And I'm glad I found them since I can't listen to Angels and Airwaves anymore without thinking of him. Grr. And I really liked that band. And I don't think I even liked him that much. But one time at work that song was playing and he looked really good that day and work was so boring and my imagination went into overdrive. Basically Angels and Airwaves is still a superb band. But I think I need to take a break from them for awhile. Listen to some more Airborne. And Dashboard. Dashboard will always work.