Sunday, December 12, 2010

Personal Protective Equipment

This past week, I went to the official orientation at the hospital. You know, it's where they say what the hospital stands for, how to treat the "customers" (patients), and all the various procedures and equipment functioning (they have the best pumps!). Anyway, we touched on infection control because how can you not talk about that when working in a hospital? A slide came up for PPE- or personal protective equipment. Basically it is all the stuff you should wear depending on where you are working and what the patient has. If they are just sick, gloves do the job nicely. But if they have something else, like MRSA, then you have to do the whole shebang- gloves, gown, and mask. And those gowns are one size fits no one. But then I realized in what other situation I should use those gowns. At home. When I burp Lily.

Because no matter where I put that burp cloth, when she spits up, it gets me. I have washed all my hoodies at least five times. I often give up and just wear the hoodie until the end of the day, using Clorox wipes on my sleeves to get out the smell. It's a good thing no one but Lily sees me during the day. And these gowns would cover my legs too! Two days ago, I sat Lily up to burp her and she spit up. But it somehow arched and hit my square on my legs, completely missing her. It was pretty amazing. So either I get a gown or I start wearing this all day:

Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Job

I got a job. A nursing job. :) I work in the ICU at Timpanogos Regional Hospital in Orem, UT. And so far, I love it. I have a couple years worth of stuff to learn, but everyone there has been nice and helpful. I realized with working at the hospital and watching Lily on my days off, I am working. Which reminded me of the construction sign below. Joanna and I would often say it would be great to write the word "it" below the lettering. Kind of like that one construction guy over the summer huh Joanna?

Sunday, November 7, 2010

October 30th

In Utah, when Halloween falls on a Sunday, it is general knowledge that everyone will go trick or treating on Saturday, October 30th. At first I just thought it was a neighborhood thing or a ward idea. But when I was watching the local weather, they mentioned the weather on Saturday and how it would be nice for the kids trick or treating. As a kid, when Halloween fell on Sunday (and this was before ward trunk or treats), you just had to skip that year. I think I was seven. It was a good thing we lived up a long private drive where the only people who ever stopped by were the Danners (and that is because we went with them to go get candy) or else I would have been pelting the kids stopping by with Snickers bars. Anyway, last Saturday, Lily wore her first Halloween outfit. Not really a costume but when you are four months old, it's okay.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Today Show

Monday thru Friday, my routine has evolved to this:

5 am: Awaken to a blinking light.
5:15 am: Lace up my worn running shoes and head out into the early morning darkness. Normally it's fine (except for that one fall) but this week I had to run without the moon. It was very disconcerting. The streetlights don't reach all the way into the bushes that line the road. On Tuesday I ran almost all the way up the bench in Springville. On the way back down, I panicked, thinking a cougar was stalking me for an early breakfast. I've never slow run so fast in my life while simultaenously praying. Later I asked Nathan if there were cougars up there. He said the only animals I would probably run into would be deer (which I have done) and that they would run from me (which they do).
6:45 am: Return from running.
7:30 am: Get ready to take care of Lily. Turn on the Today Show.*
And the rest of the day: Every three hours I feed Lily. An hour after she eats, I try to get her to sleep (yay nap time!). Dogs bark and wake up both of us. Squirt them with water. Drink copious amounts of Diet Dr. Pepper. Walk up the stairs to my bathroom around 10 times a day. Eat pistachios. Read. Watch Clean House. Watch NCIS. Get rejection emails (sniff sniff). Change the baby at least a million times.

On Saturdays, I sleep in. Until 8 am. Which is very nice. Today I also got a two hour nap in. I felt very rested when I woke up. Sundays I go to church of course. My new ward But hey, the church is true wherever you go.

*The Today Show: Okay I watch Ann, Matt, Meredith, Natalie, and Al every morning. Sometimes Lester and the other news person (I can't remember her name!) make an appearnace. Anyway, on Halloween, they dress up in very put together costumes. Well Natalie came as Justin Bieber. She actually pulled it off quite well. But then that night I totally had a dream that Justin Bieber dumped me. And I was heartbroken. The next morning when I was running, I realized that no, I do not have Bieber Fever (as Cameron once said to me). I have just watched too much Today. Eh. And that's alright with me.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Skinned Knees

I moved to Utah to take care of my niece Lily Jean while still looking for nursing jobs. Sniff sniff. I would have never guessed it would have taken this long. Or might take even longer. I think it's worse than not getting into nursing school. Sigh. And though I wish I was working as a nurse, being a nanny for Lily is great. Tiring, but great.

So I start watching her every morning at 7:30 and since I didn't want to wait around all day to go running at night, I figured I would run before. Good idea right? Well last Friday it finally happened. I have my route planned out and I do it every day, but it's dark out and the street lights are sporadic and the sidewalks very uneven. I was loping along when I tripped over Mount Everest about half a mile into my run. It is liked the fall happened in slow motion. First my left knee, then my right, followed by my palms. And then my mouth. I am pretty sure my heart stopped when I realized my two front teeth had hit pavement. Gulp. Ignoring the pain in my hands and knees, I quickly ran my tongue over my teeth. Ahhh! Intact!! :) I was soooo relieved. How annoying would it be to knock out my front teeth again?!?!

I rescued my cell phone (which now has a bevy of scratches), got back up, adjusted my music and ran the rest of the seven miles. Every mile or so I would double check that my teeth were still there. They were. Phew. Well almost phew. When I got home and ate breakfast, something felt off. I inspected my front teeth in the mirror and noticed a tiny chip out of one of my teeth. Gulp. But Nathan says it is hardly noticeable so I count myself lucky. Now a week later, my knee still hurts, but the bruises are fading. I haven't tripped again...yet. There were a couple close calls, especially the morning it snowed.

Other than running, changning diapers and preparying bottles, I keep applying for jobs. I had one interview but because of my lack of experience, I did not get the job. Which is how it seems to be. At this point, I think I would work for free to get experience. The whole thing is very frustrating but as my mother and father and everyone in my family reminds me, I will get a job someday and not to give up. I hope they are right...

Saturday, September 25, 2010

A new running ditty

Also for the girls (Ella, Natalie, Reese) to dance too. And Cameron. :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Unemployment Adventures

"Come on, you're a nurse." Joanna
"It is NOT the same thing!" Me after I informed Joanna that picking up after the dog in the house does not fall under the job description of a nurse.

It's been slow, being unemployed. I had an interview last week (THANK YOU BARB) that I am really hoping will come through. My sister is now employed so the days are pretty empty- running, NCIS, job searching, etc. And when it's needed, watching my sibling's children. Like yesterday. I got to watch this little guy:

Notice the Polly Pocket in his hand. I was trying to keep him entertained while Elizabeth took the girls to the dentist. Sorry about the doll Elizabeth, but he played with a car later on so it evens out right? But I also turned on the Disney channel for him. Garfield was on and he liked it. Then iCarly came on. He lost interest but for some reason I got caught in the story line. About ten minutes later, I turned around to see what Cameron was doing. And found this:

I firmly informed him that he could not stay on the counter and when he did not get off like I asked, I began the dreaded countdown.
"One. Two. Thre-"
"Grr. Fine. You're not my friend." Cameron informed me as he stood up. On the counter. For a brief second I thought he was going to jump. Then I realized I am bigger than this kid. And I started laughing. Which he didn't really appreciate. After that the afternoon went off fine. Well except for one small incident that involved a dog who did not get outside in time and Cameron's foot. Don't worry Elizabeth: I washed his foot twenty times and in between his little (little? Heh heh) toes.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010


I love this little guy. He always makes me smile even when he is mad or cranky. Which is hardly never...right Elizabeth? Yesterday Joanna and I watched the Randall kids at my brother's house so the Newby's came over. These two pictures were taken upstairs. What you can't see is Griffin running around at a million miles per hour, Ella engrossed in books, and Reese climbing on everything. Sigh. I love my nieces and nephews.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Avery May: 3 Months

I baby sat Avery and Cameron today. Cameron is three and pretty much everything he does is hilarious. Always running around. Suggesting things. Making the best faces. And Avery is adorable with her little cue ball head and big eyes. She smiles at me!!! And not at my mom. Heh heh.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

You Know What Day It Is

Joanna is way more articulate and creative with writing than I will ever be. :) So her post is perfect in describing our twin relationship. I second everything she says. Get it? Second? Twin? Bwahahahaha. Here is a picture we took one night. I was done with school, Mom and Dad were in bed (must have been like 7 pm. heh heh), and we were bored.

Happy Birthday Joanna Grace. Now let's go find that squirt bottle and surprise Mom.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

New Music

Joanna told me about Mumford & Sons. :) I really like them. Here is a video of one of their songs of their album Sigh No More. But all of their songs are excellent. Um. There is one swear word. Sorry!!!

You know that Genius button on your iTunes? This song, Candle (Sick and Tired) by The White Tie Affair is fairly good.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Monday, April 19, 2010

Delightful Facts About Dachshunds

My family, well my mom and my sister Joanna, are pretty obsessed with dachshunds. I think it stems from the fact that my Grandma had a few of them growing up so I think that is when my mom fell in love with them. Below is a picture Joanna sent me of Gretchen, staring out the window from her room, ready at a moment's notice to defend against Yann, the neighbor who I am sure harbors a dark secret. :)

Dachshund Facts (from

The name Dachshund is German and literally means "badger dog," from (der) Dachs "badger" and (der) Hund "dog".

The breed was developed to scent, chase, and hunt badgers and other hole-dwelling animals.

Dachshunds have many nicknames in the US. Some of these nicknames are: hot dog, wiener dog, sausage dog, and doxie.

Dachshunds come in two sizes: standard and miniature.

Dachshunds come in three coat types: smooth, long, and wire.

H. L. Mencken said that "A dachshund is a half-dog high and a dog-and-a-half long."

Dachshunds can be extremely loyal and loving, as well as extremely loud.

According to the American Kennel Club�s breed standards, "the dachshund is clever, lively and courageous to the point of rashness, persevering in above and below ground work, with all the senses well-developed.�

Dachshunds are notoriously hard to house train.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Elizabeth's on a Saturday

Joanna and I went to Elizabeth's house on Saturday to see if she had gotten any bigger overnight. Heh heh. Just kidding. I let my nieces Natalie and Ella play with the camera on my phone and these are the pictures they took. They actually turned out well. Except the one with Joanna, Elizabeth, and I on the couch- why am I the ONLY smiling?!?! Bwahahaha.

Saturday, March 13, 2010