Saturday, November 6, 2010

Today Show

Monday thru Friday, my routine has evolved to this:

5 am: Awaken to a blinking light.
5:15 am: Lace up my worn running shoes and head out into the early morning darkness. Normally it's fine (except for that one fall) but this week I had to run without the moon. It was very disconcerting. The streetlights don't reach all the way into the bushes that line the road. On Tuesday I ran almost all the way up the bench in Springville. On the way back down, I panicked, thinking a cougar was stalking me for an early breakfast. I've never slow run so fast in my life while simultaenously praying. Later I asked Nathan if there were cougars up there. He said the only animals I would probably run into would be deer (which I have done) and that they would run from me (which they do).
6:45 am: Return from running.
7:30 am: Get ready to take care of Lily. Turn on the Today Show.*
And the rest of the day: Every three hours I feed Lily. An hour after she eats, I try to get her to sleep (yay nap time!). Dogs bark and wake up both of us. Squirt them with water. Drink copious amounts of Diet Dr. Pepper. Walk up the stairs to my bathroom around 10 times a day. Eat pistachios. Read. Watch Clean House. Watch NCIS. Get rejection emails (sniff sniff). Change the baby at least a million times.

On Saturdays, I sleep in. Until 8 am. Which is very nice. Today I also got a two hour nap in. I felt very rested when I woke up. Sundays I go to church of course. My new ward But hey, the church is true wherever you go.

*The Today Show: Okay I watch Ann, Matt, Meredith, Natalie, and Al every morning. Sometimes Lester and the other news person (I can't remember her name!) make an appearnace. Anyway, on Halloween, they dress up in very put together costumes. Well Natalie came as Justin Bieber. She actually pulled it off quite well. But then that night I totally had a dream that Justin Bieber dumped me. And I was heartbroken. The next morning when I was running, I realized that no, I do not have Bieber Fever (as Cameron once said to me). I have just watched too much Today. Eh. And that's alright with me.


Barb said...

You are so funny, you need to blog everyday!

Elizabeth said...

Cameron combed his hair the other day and declared, "I am Justin Beiber." I the same voice as Beiver Feaver. Can you hear it?