Sunday, December 12, 2010

Personal Protective Equipment

This past week, I went to the official orientation at the hospital. You know, it's where they say what the hospital stands for, how to treat the "customers" (patients), and all the various procedures and equipment functioning (they have the best pumps!). Anyway, we touched on infection control because how can you not talk about that when working in a hospital? A slide came up for PPE- or personal protective equipment. Basically it is all the stuff you should wear depending on where you are working and what the patient has. If they are just sick, gloves do the job nicely. But if they have something else, like MRSA, then you have to do the whole shebang- gloves, gown, and mask. And those gowns are one size fits no one. But then I realized in what other situation I should use those gowns. At home. When I burp Lily.

Because no matter where I put that burp cloth, when she spits up, it gets me. I have washed all my hoodies at least five times. I often give up and just wear the hoodie until the end of the day, using Clorox wipes on my sleeves to get out the smell. It's a good thing no one but Lily sees me during the day. And these gowns would cover my legs too! Two days ago, I sat Lily up to burp her and she spit up. But it somehow arched and hit my square on my legs, completely missing her. It was pretty amazing. So either I get a gown or I start wearing this all day:


plain jane said...

That picture of her is so cute!! She is cultivating the "Nathan look" already.

I could send you Mom's pink robe. It should absorb the spit-up nicely.

katy said...

RACHEL! So you are definitely living in Utah!! Be still my heart. Congrats on the job and we seriously need to meet up. One of my favorite restaurants is in Springville...Art City Trolley. We could start there :)

I fortunately have avoided spit up relatively well with the niece and nephew. Although that means I also miss a lot of the good times too :( Best of luck with the spit up...hehehe.